Sunday, November 13, 2011

Into the Unknown

It can be super difficult to leave everything that has become so comfortable to you. About a month and a half ago I left the comfort of Fort Collins and moved to Provo. I only knew that I had a job lined up and I didn't even know if it was going to work out. I moved without a place to live and with only a handful of friends that I could even spend time with. I would be lying if I said this didn't make me nervous (though when I was leaving I didn't let this show)

Within a day of being in Provo I had found a place to live, moved in, started a new job, bought a ton of items to furnish my room, and started living my new life. I didn't allow myself to look back at what else could possibly have happened if I had waited or made other different decisions. I couldn't be happier with my decision.

It took me a little while to gather my bearings and to develop the confidence to meet new people in my new ward. I had grown so accustomed to being the one introducing myself to new people so they would have friends, that it was pretty natural to be responsible for all the introductions. I have made several new friends and have already developed a presence in the area.

All the dating ideas that I have developed over the years actually work, I just needed a fresh venue to make it work, where my reputation would not go before me and make it difficult to make anything happen. I now have a girl that I think is madly in love with me. But not having brought it up with her, its difficult to say for sure.

Bottom line is that without taking this chance, I would have stunted my growth and would have been stuck in the same ruts that I was in, living in the comfort of my mothers home.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hopeless Romanticism is tough to deal with

Life has taught me several things. One lesson that I have learned and continue to relearn is that being a hopeless romantic can be super hard to live with when you can't find someone who shares that characteristic with you. Over the past year I have tried to date many girls and have been burned more times then I like to count. It always happens, whether the girl is somewhat into me and I scare her off, or I hold back a little and they don't read things right, or my timing is off. Whatever the case, I haven't been able to find a girl who is willing to let herself get excited about datinsomeone and not having to hold back or play ridiculous games. It is enough frustration that I am almost willing to give up on the entire dating scene. If the right girl comes along, she will let me know right? I'm so tired of having my heart ripped out on such a frequent basis.